Do You Only Provide Services to Start Ups and Tech Companies?
No. Although Outsource Counsel does provide much-needed resources for start ups and other smaller technology companies, we also provide services to larger companies. Even those who have in-house counsel may find they simply don't have the time to review and negotiate the terms of their technology vendor agreements.
These days, every company is a tech company: every company purchases technology on a near-constant basis to help them run their business, whatever that business may be. In a lot of instances, these contracts, which contain boilerplate terms that are often not very customer-friendly, are just not getting reviewed by legal at all. Outsource Counsel can take these contracts off the plate of your legal or procurement team, give them the quick review and turnaround that they need, and negotiate any terms that carry major risk with them. For companies that are simply flying blind on a lot of their technology contracts, Outsource Counsel is a lifesaver.